Abstract Submission Web Site : http://i-submit.info

Note: The Abstract deadline is changed to September 30, 2021.

Abstract Submission


English is required for abstract, papers, posters and oral presentation.


(a) Please complete the abstract submission form as well as the abstract.

(b) Abstract should be prepared in Microsoft Word format.

(c) In the abstract submission form, the type of presentation (oral or poster) should be checked. Selection of the type  of presentation will be decided by the Organizing committee.

(d) Fill in the name/affiliations for all authors. For corresponding author, the complete postal address including phone numbers, and e-mail address should be listed. Use superscripted numbers such as 1), 2) etc. for all authors and the corresponding author with the star symbol, *.

(e) Abstract should be no longer than 1 pages.

(f) 3-5 keywords are preferred.

 Information for presentation

For Keynote Speakers (ACTSEA 2021)

  • l Keynote Speakers please upload a 40-mins adding audio with mp4-file to introduce your research before 10, November 2021.
  • l We suggest you searching “How to record audio poster by power point” as the reference or link as following video to learn how to do it.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sldzf2jMrVM (English)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3jU6j7iL0k (Chinese)


  • l The recorded videos must be in MP4 format with a moderate file size, Max file size: 800MB.

The file upload link will be announced by 3, November 2021 on the ACTSEA2021 website.


For Invited and Oral Speakers (ACTSEA 2021)

  • l Invited and Oral Speakers please upload a 20-min adding audio with mp4-file to introduce your research before 10, November 2021.
  • l We suggest you searching “How to record audio poster by power point” as the reference or link as following video to learn how to do it.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sldzf2jMrVM (English)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3jU6j7iL0k (Chinese)


l   The recorded videos must be in MP4 format with a moderate file size, Max file size: 400MB.

The file upload link will be announced by 3, November 2021 on the ACTSEA2021 website.


For Poster Presentation (ACTSEA 2021)

  • l All participates who select poster presentation in ACTSEA 2021 should upload a PDF file (A1 size: Height 594 mm * Width 841mm), or a 3-mins adding audio ePoster with mp4-file (A1 size: Height 594 mm * Width 841mm) to introduce your poster before 10, November 2021.
  • l Posters will be virtually presented by video in poster session during ACTSEA 2021 Best Posters will be awarded with a Certificate of Excellence at the conference.
  • l We suggest you searching “How to record audio poster by power point” as the reference or link as following video to learn how to do it.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sldzf2jMrVM (English)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3jU6j7iL0k (Chinese)


l   The PDF file max file size: 30MB, the recorded videos must be in MP4 format with a moderate file size, Max file size: 60MB.

  • l The file upload link will be announced by 3, November 2021 on the ACTSEA2021 website.

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